2024 Event Info

"Embracing Complexity"

2024 Event Tickets Available!

Meet the "Embracing Complexity"
2024 Speakers

Michael Bungay Stanier

Work happens through people, and our success and happiness depend on our working relationships. Yet, most of the time, we just cross our fingers and hope for the best. What if you could actively shape these relationships?

Discover five powerful questions that will transform your work relationships. This practical, provocative, and entertaining talk will equip you with the tools to shape your success and happiness at work.

Kate Mollison

Explore the significant impact of grief, from emotional and financial challenges to its physiological effects on appetite, sleep, memory, and relationships. Discover recent scientific findings and learn how understanding the science of grief can help us navigate its complexities and cultivate healthier mindsets.

Drawing from personal experience, including sudden widowhood, Kate Mollison will show how harnessing grief's power can lead to personal growth and resilience. Join us on a journey to better understand and support grief, transforming it from a source of pain to a catalyst for growth and compassion.

Jose Monkey

Jose Monkey, a renowned content creator, online privacy and safety advocate, and amateur OSINT researcher, will be sharing his fascinating insights on "How to Find People Who Want to Be Found" through single images that seem to hold very few clues.

With over ten years of experience as an avid geolocation hobbyist, Jose Monkey has captivated millions around the world with his videos. He meticulously pinpoints the locations where user-submitted videos were recorded, explaining his approach and the tools he uses to figure it all out. From image clues and reflections to building shapes, Jose Monkey has mastered the art of pinpointing locations with astonishing precision. You might be revealing more than you know in just one photo!

Kartik Sakthivel

Doubling Down on Humanity in the Age of AI Discover the key to success with AI lies in embracing our human qualities. Kartik Sakthivel, will delve into community, collaboration, ethics, and the human side of AI, emphasizing the importance of soft skill development.

Learn five essential strategies to thrive with AI, including how to lean into our innate human qualities. Explore innovative concepts like hydroseeding thoughts or creativity using AI, and the potential of combining raw materials to create the world around us.

Ashley Rigby

Traditional retirement paradigms are becoming obsolete as longevity increases. In a world where people are living longer, we need a fresh perspective on this phase of life. Advances in healthcare, technology, and social structures enable us to live fuller, more productive lives well beyond the conventional retirement age. Ashley Rigby's talk transforms retirement from a period of withdrawal to one of active engagement and ongoing contribution.

'Retired' now means 're-inspired.' Forget the outdated script of knitting and endless golf games. Imagine a future where retirement is a new, exciting beginning, filled with opportunities to learn, contribute, and chase passions with the wisdom of age and the heart of a start-up. Reinvent yourself, contribute to your community, and continue to thrive even after the conventional retirement age.

Cash Nickerson

Did you know that traditional negotiation strategies focus on minimizing conflict? Cash Nickerson introduces a framework that flips this approach by embracing and magnifying tensions to easily achieve desired outcomes.

Did you know that emotions and subjective experiences play a critical role in negotiations?

Did you know there are seven key tensions in any negotiation scenario—from personal disputes to high-stakes business deals? Learn how identifying and leveraging these tensions can lead to successful outcomes free from regret.

Shelley D. Best

Art as the Heartbeat: Restoring Communities through Creative Disruption Discover how the creative disruption of the arts can ignite urban renewal and transform our communities. Dr. Shelley D. Best will reveal how artists can become central figures in reimagining our communal spaces and healing societal wounds caused by isolation and othering.

Art isn't just for art's sake—it's a bridge to a more inclusive, peaceful, and thriving world. Don't miss this transformative talk that will redefine how you see the role of art in society!

Zane Tickoo

Discover how understanding the journey of food from farm to table can empower you to take control of your present and future. Did you know that most of our grocery store food comes from a few major producers? Zane reveals how even small changes, like supporting local sources and community gardens, can impact our lives.

This isn't just about healthy eating – it's about rethinking agriculture to improve the quality of life for all. Learn surprising insights and practical strategies to inspire the next generation to become active stewards of the land.

*Speakers subject to change